
A placeholder repo to hold widgets for my Towards Data Science persistent homology medium article.

View the Project on GitHub gjkoplik/pers-hom-examples

Persistent Homology Examples

This repo exists to hold interactive html widgets referenced in my Towards Data Science article.

Unfortunately, I cannot share code, as that belongs to my employer (Geometric Data Analytics). I can say that all the code is Python.

The Persistent Homology Calculations were done using my employer’s open source Topological Data Analysis package gda-public, which is available here.

All my visualizations were generated using matplotlib and holoviews.

0d Persistent Homology Example

In the article, I include a gif showing connected components, with each color representing a unique component at a given threshold:

The widget referenced below allows you to see the thresholds covered in the gif, but with interactive control of the threshold:

Click here for the 0d peristent homology widget

1d Persistent Homology Example

In the article, I include a gif showing 1d persistence values for a noisy circle of data:

The widget referenced below allows you to see the thresholds covered in the gif, but with interactive control of the threshold:

Click here for the 1d peristent homology widget

Signal Compression Example

In the article, I include a gif showing the progressively more strict compression of a random walk:

The widget referenced below allows you to see the thresholds covered in the gif, but with interactive control of the threshold:

Click here for the signal compression widget

Height Filtration Segmentation Example

In the article, I include a static image from running the height filtration up to a specified threshold:

The widget referenced below allows you to see the connected components that form running the height filtration to aribtrary values:

Click here for the segmentation widget